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Episode 2 – Who’s Watching the Watchers

Our story follows 4 youngsters, starting out as 8 years old, traversing the tumultuous world of Waterdeep. They’d sneak out of school and into the famous Yawning Portal pub to listen to the revered heroes inside recounting their tales of fights and dungeons.

Now 18 and just beginning to find their feet as heroes, they try to discover their place in the world whilst being stuck between two the warring gangs of Blackstar Lane. Perhaps one day they’ll enter the Yawning Portal as heroes themselves.

A few days after the funeral, the street returns to normal life. We are introduced to a number of the shops and services offered by Blackstar Lane. But someone else has set up shop. The watchers begin to make their move into Blade Territory, smashing up shops, beating up Blades and nodding to the party.

Oshi discovers that the Old Watch Tower is back in use, Tunk and Pups witness a brutal attack, and Baggi finds out the name of the new threat in Blackstar Lane.

They also get invited to an opening of a new casino and Baggi make a very powerful friend as they being to understand what is happing in their home street….but the Watchers are watching…..


Dorit Cromor – Owner of the Harmony Music Shop (and secret Gin Distillery) at Number 17

Baragon of the Starfeller – Head Baker at Blackstar Bakery at number 23

Jean Claude Tessbard – Landlord at Le Chat Maison at number 27

Alfons of the Watchers – Head of the Watcher Gang at number 12

Clip the Stable Bird – Stable hand for Yolo Brew Factory

Mini Lou – The Butcher at number 10

Little Lou – The Dentist at number 10

Nanna Lou – Midwife to Blackstar Lane and head of the Lou Family at number 10

Arnold Stranger – Owner of the Sweetshop at Number 4

Hibris Yolo – Owner and Head Brewer at Yolo Brew Factory.


The Blades
The Watchers
