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Episode 1 – A Very Fun Funeral

Our story follows 4 youngsters, starting out as 8 years old, traversing the tumultuous world of Waterdeep. They’d sneak out of school and into the famous Yawning Portal pub to listen to the revered heroes inside recounting their tales of fights and dungeons.

Now 18 and just beginning to find their feet as heroes, they try to discover their place in the world whilst being stuck between two the warring gangs of Blackstar Lane. Perhaps one day they’ll enter the Yawning Portal as heroes themselves.

This week, we introduce the new characters and begin to glimpse the world of Blackstar Lane, as they celebrate the life and death of local gangster Afa Blade.

Funerals are always an excuse for a party in Blackstar Lane, but as Tunk, Pups, Oshi and Baggi offer their respects to the Blade crime family, the famous Blade’s Dagger is stolen……But who is to blame?


Honest Price – Owner of The Price Is Right Pawn Shop at Number 3

Henry The Dog – Her Dog

Mordock Spinski– Blackstar Lane’s local drunk

Hanrak Fudd – Tunk’s Fight trainer

Vimi Fudd – Daughter and Assistant of Hanrak

Officer Rodders – The Tortle City Watch Guard, the last remaining city guard to walk down Blackstar Lane

Agnu – The kobold Blacksmith at number 8

Nanna Lou – Midwife to Blackstar Lane and head of the Lou Family at number 10

Billy Blade – Heir Apparent of the Blade Crime Family

Ma Blade – Matriach of the Blades and widow of Afa Blade

Afa Blade (Deceased) – The late leader and founder of the Blade Family at Number 21

Little Lou – Son of Nanna Lou and the local Dentist
