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Episode 3 – Full House, House Fire

Our story follows 4 youngsters, starting out as 8 years old, traversing the tumultuous world of Waterdeep. They’d sneak out of school and into the famous Yawning Portal pub to listen to the revered heroes inside recounting their tales of fights and dungeons.

Now 18 and just beginning to find their feet as heroes, they try to discover their place in the world whilst being stuck between two the warring gangs of Blackstar Lane. Perhaps one day they’ll enter the Yawning Portal as heroes themselves.

The night of the Casino Opening has arrived. Tunk, Oshi, Pups and Baggi get suited up to paint the street red. Oshi discovers an old aquitence is also at the opening, and Pups makes a descion to kill.

Baggi enters the high rollers table with some of the highest of society in Waterdeep.

During the opening, some uninvited guests enter and give Alfons a message.

Tragedy strikes the street as a fire breaks out, but can the party save those inside?


Alfons of the Watchers – Head of the Watcher Gang at number 12

Tarquers Adarbrent – A trader from the noble Adarbrent Family

Jessica Ruldegost – a high stakes professional poker player from the noble family of Ruldegost

Big Phatts – Owner of the Tobbaconist “Big Photos Cigars” at number 20
