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Rob Thompson

Rob Thompson (he/him) is an actor, spoken word artist and the creator of one of the greatest game in the world, Danger Can (seriously, we’ll all play it one day and you’ll see). His friends would describe him as “painfully dull” and “isn’t that the Irish lad that lives on the forth floor? I just deliver his takeaway, mate”. 

Some of his professional credits include James Shelby in The Legitimate Peaky Blinders Festival (Dank Parish), Adam in Twice Shy (Tom Ryan, A Maroon) and Raven in The People’s Revolt (DifferencEngine). 

Rob used to have other hobbies, he used to enjoy drinking with his friends, being on first name terms with the night bus driver and occasionally exercising. Then Dungeons and Dragons happened. Now Rob spends most of the week playing D&D, talking about D&D and whittling down his Facebook friends list to only those that share his obsession with D&D (Sorry Mum, you didn’t make the cut).

Due to this, Rob’s list of characters has now become rather long. Perhaps the most notable are; the peoples champion Tunk Bloodstone, the pain in the peoples arses Arbour Killick and the warlock that haunts the dreams of Joe Thorpe and Dan Burman, DATMAR! Oh Datmar, you didnt live long but my god you made an impression. 

After reading everything he’s just written, Rob has decided to get out of the house a bit more. Pray for him.


Arbour Killick

Bard Level 1

Arbour Hitch Killick grew up in Waterdeep’s Dock District. After his father, Bordon, left him and his mother, Arbour was forced to abandon his schooling and find work by the docks. Despite having no official education, Arbour was a bright lad, if a bit mouthy. His loud mouth and quick wit eventually caught the attention of the local crime boss, Afa Blade.

Arbour’s real education began under the wing of Afa. He was eager to learn and soon rose through the ranks. Despite the work being dangerous and often morally dubious, Arbour always admired Afa’s approach to the business. The Blades were criminals, but Afa made sure they had a code. There was honour, things were always done a certain way. Members were punished and sometimes even killed for breaking the rules. 

But leaders die and new ones take their place. Afa’s death was incredibly hard for Arbour. Afa had been a father to him, he had offered him a new life and chance to make enough money to support his, now elderly, mother. But perhaps the toughest thing of all was knowing that Afa’s code of honour would die with him. Ma Blade was not the professional that Afa was. She was reckless and vengeful, everything Afa was not. Arbour found himself conflicted, he owed everything to the Blades but without Afa at the helm, there might not be a business left to run.  

Tunk Bloodstone (Deceased)

Calling Tunk the runt of his family only leads one to ask “How bloody big is the family?!”. As one of the Bloodstones, Tunk was expected to use the hammer in his hand for forging weapons or cracking skulls. Tunk quickly found that he was more adept at the latter of the two options. He struggled, however, with his education and was soon receiving letters back from school. 

Letter from school -“Tunk has grown much faster than the other students and, due to his rapid growth yet inferior intellectual capacity, has caused many injuries to his classmates. It is no longer considered ‘safe’ to keep Tunk with the younger students so, against our better judgment, we have decided to move him to a class with more ‘robust’ pupils.” 

The pressure finally got too much for the Bloodstone’s and they were forced to send Tunk to Waterdeep to attend The Cassalanter’s Institute for Unfortunate Children in the hopes that it would provide a more “hands on” approach to his education. And so, a few weeks after term began, Tunk arrived at his new school, eager to make new friends and sit barefoot on the floor. But tensions soon rose between Tunk and the teachers. Tunk’s loyalty to his new friends caused his temper to get the better of him when their safety was threatened by bullies and teachers alike.

In the 10 years that followed, Tunk’s body grew to match the size of his heart. He took up work as part time security for his employer and boxing coach, Hunrak Fudd. With Hunrak guiding him, Tunk quickly found himself making a decent living fighting in underground boxing matches. Oshi, Pups and Baggi had become his family and Tunk promised to protect them by any means. A promise that eventually cost Tunk his life. 

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