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Evie James

Evie James (she/her) is an actor, singer, puppeteer, and short person. Her fave acting roles include “Person tall enough to reach that” (Kitchen, Bedroom) and “My Feet Are Definitely Touching The Floor” (Back of the Bus).

Her fave professional credits include Peppa Pig* in various Peppa Pig Shows (UK/Ireland tour, Australia), Young Woman in “The Contagion Cabaret” (The Theatre Chipping Norton/Online), Globelle Warmington at “Boomtown” (with Dank Parish) and Sophie in the film “How Not To Disappear Completely”.

When not playing RPG or board games she’s normally found running around the Crystal Maze Live as Maze Master Penelope Pyrotechnics.

Fave DnD characters: Pervola Proudfoot, a halfling rogue who just wanted to find a boyfriend. Baggi Lykas, a half-orc artificer who gets overly excited about creating things, enjoys bugs, hates stairs.

In her spare time you can usually find her writing comedy songs on her ukulele, writing, reading, listening to murder podcasts and cooking aubergine parmagiana.

Insta: @eviebethanyjames

*will do Peppa impressions after just a few ciders.


Baggi Pheylund

Half Orc
Artificer Level 1

Baggi spent the first 8 years of her life more or less in isolation. Her Father, a human named Ertos Pheylund, makes his fortune training “monsters” (any race deemed monstrous by those who decided they were more worthy than them) for barbaric fights, tournaments, trades or even kept as pets.

She was given books to keep her occupied but beaten at even the smallest sign of impudence or if any precocious words were uttered out of her mouth. During this time she lived for her books, the meals she was left and any insect that came into her room became creatures of fascination and even friends to Baggi.

When Baggi was 8 years old she was taken to the Cassalanter’s Institute for Unfortunate Children. Not knowing anything about the outside world the whole idea of being moved elsewhere was daunting, but the call of more books than she could imagine gave her hope. At the Institute she first noticed Pups, a small goblin full of life who wanted to play with Baggi even though all of the other children thought she was hideous. Shortly after finding a playmate in Pups, she met Oshi who Baggi thought was almost the antithesis to her. Beautiful and clever in a “she’s kinda terrifying” way. Tunk joined the group when he started later in the term and was quickly accepted into the “Monster Bunch” when he was outcast almost immediately by staff and students.

School was a complete whirlwind as some aspects of it were amazing; her new friends, learning more about the world… whilst other things were awful; the bullying, Justin and his team, some of the teachers. Baggi even met her first ever Orc, Groundskeeper Grak who took a liking to Baggi and reminded her to be proud. Having no real idea of Orc culture or what it evens means to be half-orc she took his words as a puzzle to be solved. During her time at the Cassalanter’s  Institute she was studious and always wanted to be the best in every lesson, though more often than not failing, however she did get herself into some trouble. There is still a faint scar on her left shoulder that creeps up her neck to remind her of this.

Fast forward 10 years and Baggi has a lot to do. As an adult she found herself a job at Honest Price’s pawn shop “The Price is Right” fixing up people’s belongings to be sold on. Above the shop she lives with Tunk, Oshi and Pups. Her main focus is becoming the best she can at what she enjoys, asking questions constantly about her past and the community she currently lives in, finding out what happened to her mother and making sure that everything is just… right.

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