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Episode 4 – A Brush, A Sandwich, A Fist and A Spyglass

Our story follows 4 youngsters, starting out as 8 years old, traversing the tumultuous world of Waterdeep. They’d sneak out of school and into the famous Yawning Portal pub to listen to the revered heroes inside recounting their tales of fights and dungeons.

Now 18 and just beginning to find their feet as heroes, they try to discover their place in the world whilst being stuck between two the warring gangs of Blackstar Lane. Perhaps one day they’ll enter the Yawning Portal as heroes themselves.

A mysterious pilgrim comes to the street to teach Pups a lesson in self reflection, power and using a brush.

Oshi meets an unexpected guest over a bacon sandwich who will have a lasting affect on one of your friends, as her past begins to catch up with her.

Tunk prepares for a fight which promises to be the fight of the century……oh…..he is also magic….

Baggi discovers a hidden talent for the Arcane Arts as she learns how to fix Alfon’s Spyglass and learn its origins.


The Pilgrim – A mysterious Goblin Monk

Glen Stephenson – Entrepreneur and owner of Coffee house at number 9

Jeremiah BloodstoneTunk’s cousin from Mirabar and professional Knife Sharpener

Baragon of the Starfeller – Head Baker at Blackstar Bakery at number 23

Hanrak Fudd – Tunk’s Fight trainer

Vimi Fudd – Daughter and Assistant of Hanrak

Honest Price – Owner of The Price Is Right Pawn Shop at Number 3

Alfons of the Watchers – Head of the Watcher Gang at number 12
