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Dorit Cromor

Name: Dorit Cromor
Species: Human

First appears Episode 2 of Waterdepp Mallrats: Blackstar Lane

Dorit Cromor, the accomplished Pianist and Composer, runs the small and humble music shop known simply as “Harmony” at number 17 Blackstar Lane.

Her collection of rare and exotic instruments from across Fearun makes her trade little niche, but they are well know as a great place for mage lutes to be tuned. Many adventures passing through the Dock Ward will search out her services, and her name is know to most Bards and masters of the Lute.

As well as tuning Lutes, she has a great nose for tuning the flavours of Gin, and the strong Harmony Gin is known throughout Blackstar as a cue for almost anything.

She is a good friend of Baggi, and often gifts scrap metal to her on a regular basis
