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Alfons of the Watchers

Name: Alfons Luptic
Species: Half-Elf

First appears in Episode 2 of Waterdeep Mallrats: Blackstar Lane

Not a lot is known of this new comer to the criminal underworld of Waterdeep. Their appearance on Blackstar Lane has come at a bit of a suprise to The Blade Crime Family as he began a campaign to take over their territory.

Rumour has it that he is being funded by Xanathar himself! but their are always rumours about that particular Beholder.

Along with his sister, Pernel, they run The Watchers Gang. A small but ever expanding crime gang of killers, kidnappers, economists and business owners. His portfolio goes further than your usual crime boss, and this diversity of income could be the reason for his apparent success.

He also has dealing with some of Waterdeeps more noble families, including the Adarbrent family who supplies him with ships to move his smuggled goods around the sword coast.
