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Nanna Lou

Name: Nanna Lou
Species: Goliath

First appears in Episode 1 of Waterdeep Mallrats: Blackstar Lane

Nanna Lou is one of the oldest and most loved residents of Blackstar Lane. Not only has she rasied her family to the positions of Butcher (her daughter Mini Lou), Dentist (Her son Little Lou), Apocathay (her husband Pa Lou) and Midwife for the street, but some would also argue she has raised nearly all of the children who have grown up on Blackstar Lane through her street school teaching mathematics in relation to Betting Odds.

She is a keen gambler, and often has a good tip for any sporting event happening in there city.

Along with her long term friend Honest Price, she is a member of the secret Women’s Association for Cake and Kinship (W.A.C.K)

*Picture was taken from her early years at Nanna’s request
