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Mordock Spinski

Name: Mordock Spinski
Species: Human

First appears in Episode 1 of Waterdeep Mallrats: Blackstar Lane

Mordok of House Spinski was once an heir to the great Spinski Family Fortune, only to be banished from the family for falling in love with a man below his station. He moved to Waterdeep with his new husband, a tielfling named Granor, only to find that every door was closed to him, and he and his partner would struggle to make their new life work.

After their third failed business, Granor began to fall sick. Mordock spent the last of their money at finding a cure, and Granor began to feel better.

However, the winter was harsh that year, and Granor died.

Mordock fell into madness and into a hole of drink, only to find themselves on the streets of Blackstar Lane, begging for a coin, for one more bottle of Gin…..
