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Fanny “Ma” Blade

Name: Fanny “Ma” Blade
Species: Human

First appears in Episode 1 of Waterdeep Mallrats: Blackstar Lane

The Matriarch and supreme leader of the Blade Family since Afa Blade Died. This frail old woman has a dark heart a strong as Asmodeus himself!

She was supposed to pass the baton of leadership down to with Billy, Arbour or Trish, however, rumour has it that she doesn’t believe any of them to be ready to take the crown just yet. Or, she is simply hungry for power after so many years in the shadow of the husband.

With this new threat to the family, Ma’s tactics of violence and snap decisions fits perfectly into the War mentality now running through the Blade Family.

A once happy and joyous person, Fanny “Ma” Blade’s personality changed after it was revealed that Afa was having an affair with a resident of Blackstar Lane. Some believe it to be Nanna Lou, as Afa allowed a lot of concessions and transgression to pass from The Lou Family as a whole.
