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Afa Blade

Name: Afa Blade (Deceased)
Species: Human

First appears in Episode 1 of Waterdeep Mallrats: Blackstar Lane

Often seen as “The Savour of Blackstar Lane”, Afa code of honour and trust allowed the Blade Crime family to not only grow in wealth and power, but also popularity with the residents of Blackstar Lane.

In this late 30’s, Afa was began a campaign to rid the Lane of the City Watch, who ruled the street with impunity and fear. Often the City Watch would enact random acts of violence against the residence, demanding protection tax or turning people in “missing persons”.

Afa challenged and killed Sgt. Folkerk Hollybeard in the middle of the street in broad daylight, and became a local hero over night.

His act of rebellion lead to others standing up to their tyranny, until Afa was able to lead the charge to rid the City Watch from Blackstar Lane forever.

With his childhood sweetheart, Fanny “Ma” Blade, lead the family to riches through protection, blackmail, smuggling and theft. They have used some of their profits to improve and help the people of The Lane, including the renovations of the Blackstar Market.

Along with his son, Billy Blade, Afa and Ma also raised Arbour Killick and Trish MacHannah who now act at Captains with in the family structure.

“Never kill out of anger. Kill only for money or power, Never lose your blade”
