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Waterdeep Mallrats : Blackstar Lane

Season 2 of our adventure following the lives of Oshi, Pups, Baggi and Arbour as they attempt to protect their home from the feuding street gangs of The Watchers and The Blades.

Set 10 years after escaping the school and in the rough Blackstar Lane in the Dock Ward of the City of Waterdeep.

Waterdeep Mallrats:
Tales From the Yawning Portal

Season 1 of our adventure. The 8 year olds children Oshi, Pups, Baggi and Tunk begin their education at the Cassalanter’s Institute for Unfortunate Children. As the children breaking the local Yawning Portal Pub, they imagine themselves in different adventures. They could never have imagined that they would be the heroes in their own adventure, when children begin to go missing at the school….

The Saboteurs

The Saboteurs is a chat for players to talk about their favourite characters and the ways they have disrupted the DMs plans. We talk about their approach to Role Play, Character Creation and the fallout of antics.

Jack’s Funhouse

The painted man rode into town, tossing candy and small trinkets to the cheering children. The children, their mouths stuffed with gumdrops, laughed at his jet-black horse adorned with a white saddle festooned with jingle bells. He introduced himself to the town elders as Happy Jack and asked their permission to set up his attraction in the town square. The elders, seeing the happiness in the children, agreed.

Happy Jack brought with him food vendors and a thrill ride – a large painted attraction which manifested from a leather green and red checkerboard satchel after he placed it on the ground. All was fun for two days…
