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Dan Burman

Dan Burman (He/Him) is an actor, fight performer and supermassive nerd. Despite being a relative newbie to dnd he’s played RPGs all his life. From first falling in love with Fallout in his teens, and then almost crying that Baldur’s Gate II wouldn’t work on his old computer, to getting himself a degree in professional sword swinging.

Many a time this degree proven useful. In films and shows such as Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides, Snow White and the Huntsman and Vikings you can see Dan playing the perfect Barbarian/Rogue multiclass. He spent most of his time getting attacked and taking damage, but blink and you’ll miss him.

Also on his journey down the forget-the-world fantasy rabbit hole that was 2020 Dan also took up drawing and has made it his mission to, through his artwork, gather support for his #GoblinsAreSexy campaign. His latest offerings can be found on his personal instagram @dan_burman.


Monk Level 1

Growing up outside Waterdeep’s South Gate wasn’t so bad. Pups, the second youngest and easily the most energetic of 6 children His eldest sisters Qix and Kytis were born first fairly close together. Then came his brother Pollywog, his sister Cria and finally Puggle and Pups who were inseparable.

Then one day everything changed. Pups and Puggle were returning from fetching water from the river when we saw his entire tribe under attack by Hobgoblins. Pups didn’t know what to do. He wanted to be brave but knew it might put Puggle in danger. With tears in his eyes he grabbed Puggle and ran as fast as his little legs would carry him. Not knowing where to go they snuck inside the South Gate of Waterdeep.

A few months of living rough on the streets of Waterdeep was all it took to nearly break Pups. The responsibility of caring for Puggle and the guilt of not standing up for his family and fighting the Hobgoblin haunted his dreams. But one morning they awoke in the stoop of a house to see another Goblin looking down at them. This was Clang, a tutor of the Cassalanter’s Institute for Unfortunate Children, who took them in and enrolled them in the school.

At Cassalanter’s Pups joined with the other ‘Monsters’, Baggi and Oshisota, plus new kid Tunk and mostly kept to themselves. Their near daily disputes with Justin and the other ‘Adventurers’ contributed to their only cares in the world. But after a mysterious tragedy in the school Pups and the others realised all was not right within the walls of Cassalanter’s.

What happened next was a blur. So quickly did the world fall once again and the gang were fleeing for their lives. The events surrounding their final days at Cassalanter’s still plague Pup’s mind to this day.

A decade on and Pups’ past is still ruling his present. Equally seduced by the idea of being a hero or a monster he still seeks his place in the world. His visits to Agnu and playing big brother to a seemingly ever changing number of young Kobolds reminds him of home. Given all that’s happened his sole purpose in life is to protect the ones he loves, by any means necessary…

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