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Curt Clark

Curt Clark is a Michigander who lives in the States and works in digital marketing, but he is a Brit at heart. Gaming and puzzling have been part of his DNA from as far back as he can remember…whether playing tabletop RPGs, adding to his massive board game hoard or building his roster of Escape Rooms visited (currently at 120+ across four continents).  Curt was introduced to D&D 2e back in the 90’s, where he played every “specialty priest” under the sun. 

He’s currently playing in a three-year strong 5e campaign set in Cormyr (within the Forgotten Realms) and most recently started playing in a streaming campaign, Firelight Tales on Twitch (www.twitch.tv/dmfilly), where he plays Angus Brighthorn, the kind-hearted minotaur bard from the College of Valor.

Twitter: @curtclark


Erky Timbers

Forst Gnome
Nature Cleric Level 3

These magical forest beings had something more pressing for Erky than a day of random tasks. Through their network of nature’s allies, the forest creatures had caught wind of some dark, twisted arboreal abomination and its strange fruit that lay several weeks journey to the west, outside a small human village named Oakhurst. Further investigation was needed. The details were hazy, but Erky quickly informed his church of what The Song had resulted in, and all agreed that the Lady of the Forest had deemed it fitting for Erky to look into the matter himself.

Erky grew up in a thriving gnome enclave on the edge of a forest protected by a relatively insular tribe of wood elves. The two communities lived together in harmony and respect, and shared many cultural practices when it came to their mutual love of nature, including reverence of such nature deities as Silvanus, Eldath and Mielikki. It was thus, at a young age, that Erky found himself dedicated to the church.

A few weeks later, Erky found himself approaching Oakhurst, intent on questioning the locals about what they knew. As night drew in and Erky camped a couple hours outside of the village, trouble beset the young gnome…and today we find him a captive of the goblins that have taken residence in the Sunless Citadel.

Nature Clerics of Mielikki

Devoted cleric of Mielikki, the Forest Queen, the neutral good goddess of autumn, druids, dryads, forests, forest creatures, and rangers. Her symbol is a gold-horned, blue-eyed unicorn’s head facing left, which Erky wears around his neck as a wood-crafted token of his faith.

Clerics and druids of Mielikki are oriented toward protecting nature (especially forests) from the forces of evil and ignorance. They often wander among small communities nestled at the edges of forests both great and small, encouraging the inhabitants to care for and respect the trees and the life beneath their leafy boughs. They try to prevent further encroachment by civilization on the remaining great forests by teaching careful forest husbandry. They oppose those who deal in fire magic and encourage both city and farm-dwelling folk to view woodlands as pleasant refuges for renewal and enjoying natural beauty, not deadly wilds to be feared and fought. And thus the Gulthias Tree is about to royally fuck up Erky’s world perspective.

Once a month, clerics of Mielikki are required to perform the Song of Trees, calling forth a dryad or treant and performing odd jobs for it for a day. Several months ago, Erky conducted the ritual a days journey deep into the forest, and to his surprise and awe, three dryads and a treant answered The Song, instead of just one single creature.

Church mentor: Andok Swiftspring (gnome)

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